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Nimbus 2000 SPB

Strigotsky Vladimir Andreevich

Композитор Владимир Стригоцкий-Пак

Strigotsky Vladimir Andreevich

(creative pseudonym V. Strigotsky-Pak)

Leading composer of Kazakhstan.

After graduating from the Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy in 1981 in the class of composition in the class of professor, People's Artist of the USSR Rakhmadiev E.R. , and then in the Republican Youth Variety Ensemble "Gulder".  In 1982  was admitted to the Union of Composers of the USSR, and then headed the creative section of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan. From 2007-2020 he was a Member of the Board of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan.

Composer Vladimir Strigotsky-Pak works fruitfully in many genres of musical art. In his compositions he uses the search for new expressive means, the brightness of orchestral thinking. The creative style is characterized by a subtle interpenetration of Russian, Kazakh and Korean folklore, the depth of intent, and the philosophical orientation of the compositions.

 Among them stand out: Concerto for the symphony orchestra "Nomads", symphony "Phoenix", "Concert for clarinet with a symphony orchestra" successfully performed at the international festival "Nauryz-21" and_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ International Festival of Contemporary Music "Astrakhan-2015". "Concerto grosso for jazz soloists and symphony orchestra" world premiere, which took place at the international forum in Astana in 2007. The composition "Concerto for Trumpet" entered the repertoire of famous soloists - Marco Pierobon (France) and Tamir Akta (Israel). Well-known compositions dedicated to the “Year of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”, “Zherlester” and “Mannam-Kezdes” - were included in  concert repertoire of many orchestras of Kazakh folk instruments of the Republic.  Strigotsky V.A. successfully continues the tradition of his mentor E. Rakhmadiev, who became the founder of the "symphonic kui" genre. He dedicated his composition to the kui teacher for the Yereke symphony orchestra.  Variations for piano "Karatorgay", and a piece for string orchestra : "Camerata of Kazakhstan", "Kyiv Camerata", chamber orchestra "La primavera"  Kazan  (RF) and others. Children's piece for violin and piano " Grasshopper on the keys” received a diploma of the laureate of the Republican contest “Astana-Baiterek”. A lot of creative energy is given to writing music for documentaries, feature films, television films and musical performances. 

The composer dedicated the heroic poem “He Altynshi Zhyl” for a symphony orchestra to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

His compositions are successfully heard in Kazakhstan, Russia, North and South Korea, Austria.  Composer  successfully works in the pop genre. The songs "Chicks", "Last Wish" brought success to the performers at  international festival "Asia Dausy" and became "Songs of the Year".

In 2007  V. Strigotsky  became the owner  of the grant (Prince of the State Ballet of the Republic of Korea) "Prince of the State Ballet of Dabruto". highly appreciated by well-known orientalists in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since that time, the author has used the prefix PAK in his surname, which is a pseudonym and speaks of his Korean roots.

The work of the famous Kazakh composer is constantly in the field of view of the public and the media. In 2009, the Agency "KHABAR" filmed the author's concert "Composer Vladimir Strigotsky-Pak", in April 2015 on the radio "Classic" a cycle  of programs "Frontiers" about the work of the Kazakh composer Vladimir Strigotsky-Pak sounded . He is a multiple laureate of the Republican competition “Tauelsizdik tolgauy” and a diploma winner of the International Competition of Composers “P.I. Tchaikovsky-legacy".

Currently Professor of the Department of Composition of KNK named after Kurmangazy.

 Strigotsky Vladimir Andreevich

Выдающиеся композиторы - Владимир Стригоцкий-Пак

Экспресс на ЭСПО - Владимир Стригоцкий-Пак

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