Балнур Балгабековны

Balnur Balgabekovna Kydyrbek was born on June 13, 1955 in Alma-Ata. From 1962 to 1973 she studied at the Republican Secondary Specialized Music School named after K. Baiseitova, from 1973 to 1978 she studied at the Almaty State Conservatory. Kurmangazy, in the class of Professor K. Kuzhamyarov. And there she passed an assistantship-internship (1978-1980). B. Kydyrbek over the years has not just passed the appropriate training course in composition. We can safely talk about her formation as an original talented composer. By that time, she had written symphonic kui, the opera The Unsung Song, and a great many chamber compositions. After graduating from the Almaty State Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy, worked in the apparatus of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan and the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2007 to 2020, she headed the public association “Kazakhstan composerlar kauymdastygy”.
The composer works in almost all genres. B. Kydyrbek became the first domestic composer who began to write music in the genre of a brass band. "Festive Overture", "Funeral Kuy", divertissement "Duel" entered the repertoire of all brass bands and were successfully performed throughout the former Soviet Union. In 1987, B. Kydyrbek was awarded the title of laureate of the A. Alexandrov Prize for her works for the orchestra of wind instruments. She created symphonic poems "Bekbolat", "Resisting the Fate", "Yerlik" and others, prepared two concert programs for the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments. The author works a lot in the field of chamber and variety orchestras. The composition of B. Kydyrbek "Why the swallow has a tail with horns" became the first Kazakh national children's ballet. The ballet "Nauryz meiram hikayasi", written on the theme of the famous Kazakh fairy tale, received the Grand Prix of the competition "Astana-Baiterek".
The composer's work is notable for its genre diversity, colorfulness, and bright programming. The author captivates with inexhaustible imagination and breadth of the thematic spectrum. The music of the composer B. Kydyrbek is emotionally rich and colorful. The musical language is unique, original and, at the same time, very democratic - understandable to all segments of the population. The creative style of the composer was developed as a result of fruitful and inquisitive work on Kazakh folklore (more than 150 folk songs were processed), and was the result of the author’s deep penetration into the intonation, rhythmic structure of folk songs, especially songs of the Zhetiku region. The composer skillfully and organically transforms folk song intonations into his own original compositions.
The outstanding work of the composer Balnur Kydyrbek is the opera-ballet "Kalkaman-Mamyr", written based on the poem of the same name by Shakarim. The action was based on real events that took place in the 16th century in the Tobykty family. This work is deeply innovative in Kazakh music, written in a synthetic genre, where the dramatic peak is achieved by means of opera, and the brilliance is transmitted through ballet. On January 19, 2007, the premiere of this work took place, staged on the stage of the NTOB named after K. Baiseitova. The place and role of the opera-ballet "Kalkaman-Mamyr" for Kazakh art is very significant: it breaks through a deep, almost twenty-year-old veil of stagnation in the National classical art.
The composition of the composer B. Kydyrbek "Requiem" is the first domestic composition in this global genre. "Requiem" is based on the ideas of unity, peace and spiritual harmony, tolerance of different religions and faiths. The canons of the genre (Catholic Mass) are generally respected. But here there is also an Orthodox znamenny chant, a Buddhist choir, the work opens with the Islamic prayer “Kulhu-Alla”, and ends with the Saka prayer of the 2nd century BC. (Tengrianism) in the Kazakh language with the apotheosis "Give, Tengri, prosperity to Kazakhstan, the Kazakh people!". Another comprehensive idea of the composition is the continuity of generations, the connection of times, the high ideals of serving one's people. On the example of six generations of one family, it can be seen how for 250 years the great idea of the independence of the people, the construction of their own Kazakh state, has been transmitted. In 2014, for "Requiem" the composer was awarded the Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The personality of Balnur Kydyrbek is multifaceted. She is a member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, a candidate of philological sciences, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "History and modernity in the work of Balgabek Kydyrbekuly." The journalistic articles written by her in Kazakh and Russian languages arouse the interest of readers both by the original and original formulation of the question, and by the originality and originality of the solution of the problem proposed by the author.
B. Kydyrbek worked hard for the glory of her ancestor - the legendary Prince Kazybek Tauasaruly - a commander, diplomat and poet. From the source to my days” (Түp-tұқiannan өzіme sheііn), she honorably emerged victorious, scientifically substantiating and proving many of the points that her opponents appealed to. The logical conclusion of this stormy controversy was the poetic collection “And my voice will reach through the centuries” (Artkyga, kaldira alsan, sozіn zheter), consisting of poems and poems by Prince Kazybek, prepared for publication by B. Kydyrbek and published by the El Orda publishing house in 2002 .
Has spent more than hundred author's evenings - concerts across all Kazakhstan.
List of the main works of the composer B. Kydyrbek
- opera-ballet "Kalkaman-Mamyr";
children's ballet "Karlygashtyn kuyrygy nege ayyr";
ballet "Nauryz meiram hikayasy";
musical "Zhanuran";
concerto for trumpet and orchestra in 3 parts
symphonic works "Bekbolat", "Kuishi", "1932 Zhyl", "Resisting the Fate", "Erlik", "Five symphonic cues"; "Murat", "Balgabek", "Khojaly Kurbany";
cantatas “Kazakhtan zhastary”, “Kozhabergen zhyrau batasy”;
overtures “Zamandaska arnau”, “Merekelik”, “Altai-Atyrau arasy”, “Zhastyk”, “Kok bairagym, zhelbire”;
orchestral kyui "Man balasy Mayky bi", "Kyrgyzkuy", "Borili menin bayragym", "Uyagarzhan, zherdin salkyn-ai", "Seriktes", "Balgabek", "Omar saryny", "Ospan auenderi", "Serik", "Zhannat" "Sұңқardy torgay tepken kүn", "Kerimsal";
variety plays "Khafiza", "Bakytzhan", "Kazakhstan Hour", "Bayankol", "Tyn tynysy", "Aktailak", "Serikbai", "Gratitude to the Orchestra", "Kҩңіldі kүn";
divertissements for the orchestra of wind instruments "Inauguration", "Funeral kuy", "Duel of Shapyrashty Nauryzbay batyr with Kaskelen", "Aitys boys and girls", "Romance and scherzo", "Baluan Sholak marches";
divertissements for chamber orchestra "Balgyn", "Aktau saryny", "Ғasyrlyr үndesuі", "Oren", "Orleu", "Turkі akademiyalyқ muziknіn atasy", "Dashtі Қypshaқ", "Gauhar-kuy", "Duysen аға", " Kurmangazy ekpіnimen";
chamber compositions, a cycle of miniatures “Kone zaman korinisteri” for choir a sarr., vocal and choreographic compositions “Temirtau ottary”, “Onerpazdar”, etc.;
film and theater music;
essays for children and youth;
arrangements of Kazakh folk songs;