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Orchestra. The contrast between dark forces and a bright dream.

Duet of Kalkaman and Mamyr (exposition of singing Қ-M) Young people love each other, but according to the laws of the steppe, marriage between close relatives is impossible (they are relatives in the fifth generation), violation of this law is punishable by death. A declaration of love and a decision to run away to distant lands.


The curtain opens

І action


І picture "Bastangy" (Youth party)

Young people have fun, games, dances. Among them are Kalkaman and Mamyr.

Dance of the girls

Joking dance of youths

General dance

Duet Kalkaman and Mamyr (exposition of dancing Қ-M)

Continued fun and under the guise of K-M run away


II picture "Kashkyndar" (Runaways)

Kalkaman and Mamyr ran away. The escape. They ran to the oldest kind of Tobykty Anet-baba and fell on their knees in front of him.


ІІІ painting "Anet-baba auyly" (In the village of Anet-baba)

Anet-baba, a wise old man, understood everything without words:

"Get up off your knees, raise your heads"

Arioso Anet-baba. “In my long life, I have seen everything. And now fate presented me with another test. Kalkaman and Mamyr want to get married... What to do?... let them go to distant lands? or...” The elder thought, and Қ-M swear eternal love.

Oath of Kalkaman and Mamyr. Vocal and dance duets together.

Out of breath Olzhay comes. "I bring news that is heavy for you."

Rondo Olzhay. “Kokenai, having learned about the incident, became like a furious tiger. Grabbing a quiver of arrows, he said he would kill them both. Tell Anet-Baba: let him immediately give them to me!”

Dialogue between Olzhay and Anet-baba. Anet: “Understood. Do not regret anything, drive away  herds of horses, flocks of sheep. Olzhai: “if Kokenai continues to demand execution?” Anet: “Don’t say bad things. Once this has been allowed to happen, we must look for another way out.” Olzhai: “Kökenai threatens to leave these lands together with the whole army and leave them alone in front of the enemy.” Anet: “Let's make an exception and follow the canons of Sharia, where marriage between cousins is allowed. Give me a very large ransom."

Mamyr decided to go to her father and beg his forgiveness. She is sure that he will forgive her, his only daughter.

Duet Kalkaman and Mamyr (ballet) Kalkaman, anticipating trouble, does not want to let Mamyr go. But Mamyr leaves with Olzhay. All you can hear is her singing.

Vocalise Mamyr.

The curtain is closing



Orchestra. Continuation of the theme of vocalization Mamyr.


The curtain opens

II act


IV picture "Kökenai mekenі" (In the camp of Kokenai)

People gather and crowd around Kokenai. The crowd expresses their outrage: “Oh, terrible times have come! Trampled the laws of the ancestors! What will happen next?"

Gloomy Kokenai addresses the people.

Arioso Kokenaya. "Oh my people! My sorrow is immeasurable, my suffering is deep. What to do, what to do?"

The crowd continues to tease Kokenai: “your relatives, knowing that you have no heirs, mocked you, seducing your only daughter.”

Olzhay came. Kokenai hopefully asks what the elder of the family said.

Olzhay: “Anet-baba offers a huge ransom...” The angry Kokenai immediately explodes: “No! I do not agree with this decision! The crowd supports him “this decision humiliates you, humiliates us. We will go to other lands, let them look for another kindred.”

The song of Mamyr is heard. Kokenai, supported by the crowd: "Don't come near, useless!", without aiming, shoots an arrow and strikes her daughter to death.

Death aria Mamyr. “Goodbye life, goodbye friends, goodbye my beloved...” Mamyr dies.

Aria Kokenaya.  Kökenai bitterly mourns her daughter, remembers what a delicate flower she was. Asks the question "who is to blame?" and demands retribution: “Mamyr is dead, let Kalkaman die too!”. Olzhai and the women pray to Kokenai for forgiveness, while the men support Kokenai. The crowd was afraid that the enraged Kokenai might leave with the army to other lands and they would be left alone in the face of the enemy and demand that Kalkaman be executed.


V painting "Anet-baba auyly" (In the village of Anet-baba)

Out of breath, Olzhay runs in: “Terrible news! Kokenai killed Mamyr"

Aria Anet-baba. "Oh fate! Why do I suffer so much? Get a grip, Anet. The people still need you."

Dialogue between Olzhay and Anet-baba. Anet: "Tell me more about what happened." Olzhay: “Kokenai was terrible in anger, demanded the execution of Kalkaman.” Anet: “My verdict: let Kalkaman ride on a horse, Kokenai will shoot only once ... if he hits, so be it.” Turning to Kalkaman: "jump, son, faster than the wind, I bless."


VІ painting "Kamal alanynda" (At the fortress wall)

People gather at the fortress wall with interest and curiosity. Kalkaman gallops, people cheer Kokenai on: “Aim correctly, don’t miss!” Kokenai shoots from a bow. The arrow wounded Kalkaman, hit him in the thigh.

Aria of Kalkaman. “I survived, but without Mamyr. How can I now live among the people who sentenced me to death? Addressing the joyfully run up youth: “do not come near, do not shake hands, consider me dead. I won’t stay here, I’m leaving for other lands forever!”


VII picture "Kalkygan duet" (flying duet)

Epilogue. It is night, the stars light up, Kalkaman is delirious and it seems to him that Mamyr is alive, they continue to love each other.

Vocal and dance duets together, choir, final. Mamyr flies to eternity.


Опера-балет "Калкаман-Мамыр". 2005 год.
Композитор Балнур Кыдырбек

1 акт. Опера-балет "Калкаман-Мамыр". 2022 год.
Композитор Балнур Кыдырбек

2 акт. Опера-балет "Калкаман-Мамыр". 2022 год. 
Композитор Балнур Кыдырбек

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