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Rakhmadiev Erkegali Rakhmadievich

Рахмадиев Еркегали Рахмадиевич

Rakhmadiev Erkegali Rakhmadievich

People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of the Republic, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR, professor, for eight years he headed the State Conservatory, for 27 years he was the permanent chairman of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan, secretary of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Minister of Culture of the Republic.

Born on August 1, 1930 in the ninth aul of the Chubartau district of the Semipalatinsk region.

Yerkegali Rakhmadievich Rakhmadiyev - People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of the Republic, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR, professor, headed the State Conservatory for eight years, was the permanent chairman of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan for 27 years, secretary of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Minister of Culture of the Republic. Author of six operas, including "Kamar-Sulu" (1963), "Alpamys" (1972), "Abylay Khan" (1999), numerous works - orchestral, vocal and choral, theatrical and stage, chamber -instrumental, songs and romances. For outstanding achievements in the development of musical art, E. R. Rakhmadiev was named Person of the Year in 2005.

Yerkegali Rakhmadiyev is called a living classic, the last representative of the “mighty bunch” of Kazakh composers who so vividly manifested themselves in the musical art of the last third of the last century - Kuddus Kuzhamyarov, Gaziza Zhubanov, Sydyk Mukhamedzhanov, Yerkegali Rakhmadiev. They worthily inherited the high creative spirit, professional exactingness and skill of the luminaries, their teachers - Evgeny Brusilovsky, Akhmet Zhubanov, Latif Hamidi, Mukan Tulebaev. In addition to his outstanding contribution to the development of national opera art, E. Rakhmadiev is known as the creator of a new genre of symphonic kui, his orchestral works in this genre "Dairabay" and "Kudasha-duman" are considered by musicologists not only to be the top creations of their creator, but also of all musical art Kazakhstan.

Dmitri Shostakovich, noting how beneficial for the development of music the appeal of composers to folklore, among such names as G. Sviridov, R. Shchedrin, S. Slonimsky, V. Gavrilin, M. Skorik, G. Kancheli, names E. Rakhmadiev. Rodion Shchedrin writes: “Yerkegali Rakhmadiev is a composer who is rooted in the culture of his people. Kazakh art is represented today by his music on the best concert stages in our country; it is performed abroad, and is performed with success…”.

 The number of works created by the maestro in many genres, large and small forms, is striking. They don't write that much these days. Of course, this was facilitated primarily by the state order and public demand. But the creative energy of the master, despite the enormous public and administrative employment, is impressive. Among the works he created are truly beautiful works, as if in gratitude to the author for creative fearlessness and fertility, sparkling in his musical heritage for decades.

Here, in addition to the inspired kyuis “Kudasha-Duman” and “Dairabay” and the operas “Kamar-Sulu” and “Alpamys”, which never leave the stage, the famous “Choral”, a lyrical poem-requiem in memory of Mukhtar Auezov, “A Poem about the Constitution” on words by Dzhambul, a cycle of romances on Abai's verses, celebrated in the year of the 150th anniversary of the poet, performed by Shakhimardan Abilov in Moscow, or two concertos - for trumpet and orchestra and for violin and orchestra, which is a candidate of art history, professor.

 A. S. Ketegenova speaks of "establishing itself in the global musical space." The first concert, in fact, began with a scherzo written at the request of an outstanding trumpeter, People's Artist of the Republic, Professor Yuri Klushkin; the second is dedicated to the brilliant violinist, laureate of five international competitions, People's Artist of the Republic, Professor Aiman Musakhodjaeva.

Musical works

 1. Aria Karakoz from the opera "Alpamys" Music. Rakhmadieva E., libretto by Kenzhetaev K. Use. Khalilambekova H.

 2. “Kudasha duman” Music. Rakhmadieva E. App. State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Dir. Mynbaev T.

 3. "Shattyk Waltzes" Music. Rakhmadieva E., sl. Baiguzhaeva A. App. Koishibaeva Z.

Rakhmadiev Erkegali Rakhmadievich

Юбилейный концерт композитора Еркегали Рахмадиева. 2011 год.

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