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Kydyrbekova Safura Seidalievna

Қыдырбекова Сафура Сейдалиевна

Kydyrbekova Safura Seidalievna - (2.12.1932, Russia, Vladimir-Suzdal, - 14.3.2021, Almaty) - a well-known teacher, honored teacher of the Kazakh SSR. Born in the family of a member of the movement Alashorda, head of the Aktobe branch of the party  Alash Seydaly Orazalina. In 1929, by the verdict of the Aktobe OGPU, S. Orazalin was exiled to the city of Vladimir, where S. Kydyrbekova (maiden name Seydalin) was born. In 1933-1936 they lived in the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. After the death of Seydala's father in 1936, together with his mother Jamil and older sister Amansultan,   returned to the Aktobe region, the village of Karabutak.

In 1950, after graduating from the secondary school of the Yrgyz village, S.K. entered the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai (KazPI) in Alma-Ata, from which she graduated with honors in 1954. She began her career at Almaty school No. 13 as a teacher of physics. On the same day, she married a young but already well-known journalist Balgabek Kydyrbekuly.

In 1970, she moved to work as the head of the educational department of school No. 56 named after K. Satpaev.  1972-1975 head of the educational department of the Republican Physics and Mathematics School (RFMM) named after. O. Zhautikova. 1975-1981 she was the director of school No. 56 named after K. Satpaev. During the years of leadership of the school, S.K. School No. 56 has established close ties with the best universities of the republic. Pupils of the school every year became winners of the Republican Olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry, literature, etc.

Within the country, school graduates were considered the best students of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, Kyiv universities. Among the pupils of S.K. academician Askar Zhumadildaev, scientist mathematician Walbai Omirbaev, professor Alida Ashimbaeva,  public figure Oraz Zhandosov, statesman Serikbai Nurgisaev, diplomat Mursalnabi Tuyakbaev and other well-known people in the country. In 1970-1980, during the leadership of S.K. 95 students graduated from school No. 56 and RFMM with a gold medal, and annually 100-130 graduates entered the country's universities.

She raised five children (three sons, two daughters), eight grandchildren, and had four great-grandchildren. She was awarded the badge "Excellent worker of public education", medals "Medal of motherhood", "For valiant labor", the title of Honorary Citizen of the Zhambyl district of Almaty region.

In 1997-1998, she rehabilitated the repressed father of Seydala Orazalin, contributed to the renaming of Lenin Street in the village of Karabutak, Aktobe Region, and the secondary school in the village of Araltogay, Aitekebiy District, after Seydala Orazalin.

Safura Seidalievna Kydyrbekova

Сафура Сейдалықызы Қыдырбекова. Поездағы сұхбат. 10. 04. 2005г.

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