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Shapyrashty Kazybek bek Tauasaruly

Якорь 1
 Шапырашты Қазыбек бек Тауасарұлы
 Шапырашты Қазыбек бек Тауасарұлы

Shapyrashty Kazybek bek Tauasaruly (1692-1776) - a prominent political figure  of the 18th century, scientist and poet, commander and diplomat, who, along with the biys of Tole, Aiteke and Kazybek, stood at the heart of the Kazakh statehood, shoulder shoulder to shoulder with friends and associates Kabanbay and Bogenbay participated in the endless war for Kazakh independence. Bek Kazybek Tauasaruly spent 12 years of his life abroad and received a high and versatile education. Possessed European musical notation. He studied in Bukhara and Samarkand, Baghdad and Kabul, completed his education in Turkey and Italy, after returning to his homeland he was sent as an ambassador to Dzungaria at the headquarters of Tsevan Rabdan.

When peace was broken and war was inevitable, Kazybek Tauasaruly, dressed in armor, spent the rest of his life in military campaigns. Having started the war from a private, he reached the Commander-in-Chief of the Senior Zhuz. He was a direct participant in all the major battles now known - at Bulanty, in Shokpar, at Kumtokei, etc. The turning point in the 340-year-old war of the Kazakhs with the Kalmyks was the battle in 1729 at Dalatau, now called the Anrakhai battle. For the correct development of the strategy and tactics of this battle, which led to a great victory, the Commander-in-Chief of the Kazakh front Kazybek Tauasaruly was awarded the title of Bek (Prince) with the subsequent right of inheritance.

Scientist astronomer Bek Kazybek Tauasaruly began the construction of an observatory in the town of Malaysary, but did not have time to complete it - a long war prevented it. The ruins of the observatory are untouched, 140 km from Almaty along the Bakanas highway. Bek Kazybek substantiated the theory of solar activity and systematized the periodicity of seismic changes in the structure of the Alatau Mountains. He compiled a Kazakh terminological dictionary, only the section of art has come down to us.

Of the extensive creative heritage, only 2 opuses have survived today. The rest of the manuscripts disappeared along with the personal archive of Oraz Dzhandosov during his arrest and confiscation of property in 1937. The book "Tүp-tұқiannan ozіme sheyіn" ("From the origins to my days") turned out to be a rare find for the forgotten, almost disappeared Kazakh history. Legends and fairy tales have become true, the images of great ancestors have taken on a real shape. The book contains a lot of information for ethnology, philosophy and culture. Thanks to this book, the following historical events of past centuries, their geographical location and specific dates were clarified:

1.     Orbulak battle of 1643;

2.     Materials about Karasai Batyr;

3.     Burial place of Korkut;

4.     Kazakh-Dzungarian war: fronts, battles, battles, role and place in this war Kabanbai, Bogenbai, Nauryzbai, Otegen, Abulkhair and other batyrs;

5.       The political situation of the first half of the 18th century, the historical roles of the biys of Tole, Ayehbarkeza and Kayte .;

6.     Creative heritage of Bukhar zhyrau, Aktamberdy, Mikey bi.

The second book "Artkyga, kaldira alsan, sozin zheter" consists of poems and poems. About the poem "Sary tosek bolganda" it can be said that Prince Kazybek poetically outlined his autobiography. And the voluminous poem “Uysin-Ugylan”, consisting of 10 thousand lines, proves that the poetic current of romanticism has been known in the Kazakh steppe for a long time. This poem has not yet found its worthy scientific study. The peculiarity of both books is that they are the first examples of Kazakh written literature  in the 18th century.

Bek Kazybek Tauasaruly perfectly mastered the game of dombra and kobyz. His two kyuis, composed in the European fifth system, have been preserved. The song, whose author Mayky bi lived in the 2nd century BC, was found in a digital record among the manuscripts of the prince.

Even during his lifetime, the people in his honor named the mountains located 150 km north-west of Almaty as the Kazybek Mountains. He was sung by Suimbay and Zhambyl. Back in the 30s of the twentieth century, the great-great-grandson of Kazybek Tauasaruly, an outstanding statesman, educator Oraz Zhandosov began work on publishing the heritage of his famous ancestor. The work of Zhandosov was continued by his other great-great-grandson - a writer, journalist, publicist bek Balgabek Kydyrbekuly, who prepared and published the book "Tүp-tұқiannan ozime sheyin" ("From the source to my days"). The public response to this edition was so great that it caused heated debate and controversy around the personality of Prince Kazybek and his book, which dragged on for many years and faded only after its second edition in 2008. Composer Begim Balnur Kydyrbek, a representative of the fifth generation of the prince, took an active part in the unfolding controversy. She honorably emerged as the winner, scientifically substantiating and proving many of the points that her opponents appealed to. The logical conclusion of this stormy controversy was the poetic collection "Artkyga, kaldira alsan, sozіn zheter" ("And my voice will reach through the centuries"), consisting of poems and poems by Prince Kazybek, prepared for publication by B. Kydyrbek and published by the publishing house "El Orda" in 2002.

By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 31, 2000, the railway station "Uzunagash" was renamed and became known as "Kazybek bek beketi".

 Шапырашты Қазыбек бек Тауасарұлы

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