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Якорь 1
Балгабек Кыдырбекулы с дочерью Балнур Кыдырбек

Started working early. After passing an accelerated accounting course in the summer of 1942, he worked as a collective farm accountant for three years. At the same time, he wrote notes for the local newspaper. At the end of the Second World War, he entered the faculty of journalism at KazGU named after S.M. Kirov (now Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi), which he graduated with honors (1950). A year before graduation, he was hired as a literary worker of the department of social policy in the republican newspaper "Socialistik Kazakhstan" (now "Egemen Kazakhstan") - an organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. For four years, B.K. wrote more than 500 articles, essays about the achievements and everyday work of Kazakhstanis, about the problems of cities and villages of the republic. It was during these years that B.K. declared himself as an unsurpassed feuilletonist and satirist, work in the feuilleton genre brings him great popularity. The materials of B.K., in which the social sins of society are very sharply exposed - lies, evil, deceit, bribery - were read by everyone: young and old. The public outcry was so great that the feuilleton "We Need a Watchman for the Watchman's Wife" was even discussed at a meeting of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. After that, a new unit was introduced into the staff list of the Sotsialistik Kazakhstan newspaper: a feuilletonist. Early feuilletons B.K. were included in his first collection of feuilletons "Eshkimge aitpa" (1962).

         С 1964 года Б.К . works as head of the department of science and educational institutions. Along with daily newspaper work (preparation of materials, proofreading, etc.), he continues to write a lot. As department head, once or twice a month, he writes a stern newspaper editorial. Over the years, many essays have been written, which were included in the collections of essays  “Oraz Zhandosov” (1967), “Mazdagan shyraq” (1971). In the stories that compiled the collections “Shaitannyn shatagy” (1966), “Kara sandyk” (1969), “Urynyn enshisi” (1972), “Aқpa құlaқ” (1978), B.K. from sharp satire on the topic of the day gradually passes to cheerful humor, full of subtle irony and sparkling enthusiasm. There were constant heroes of satirical stories. This is Balbak, who always makes fun of himself, in the first person of which the narration is often conducted; his wife is a "darling", but as the reader understands, a grumpy, bitchy person; colleague Mangaz - an ambitious liar who claims to be a genius, but in fact turns out to be a mediocre journalist; Zhurynbay's relative is a talker, a gossip and a miser. Ideas and images of his satirical stories B.K. draws everywhere around him, and easily and simply conveys to the reader. Despite the accessibility and democratic nature of the language, characteristic of this literary genre, B.K. never goes beyond the normalized forms and does not use social dialects.

         С 1969 по 1987 годы Б .TO. was Deputy, First Deputy Editor, and then Chief Editor of the newspaper "Socialistik Kazakhstan". At the same time  headed  the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, was the Chairman of the Board. In addition to satirical stories, during this period of creativity, the writer turns to other literary genres, to poetry. In poetic creativity, the mature age of the master is felt, because it completely lacks the love lyrics characteristic of youth. The basis of the poems of those years are deep philosophical reflections and psychological experiences. It is the genre of poetry that makes it possible to speak frankly. From the depths of his soul, the innermost thoughts of the poet are clothed in poetic lines. This is the dream of an independent Kazakh state; portraits of historical figures banned by censorship, discussions about their role and place in national history; painful exposure of the contradictions of modern socialist reality. The content of the poems did not allow them to be published, only the poem “Zhetim Ball” (1977) was published. The poem reveals the powerful poetic talent of B.K. The plein-air lyrics are especially impressive, when reading poetic lines you clearly feel the summer heat, the murmur of a spring, the aroma of herbs and flowers, the buzzing of bees. B.K. skillfully wraps modern reality in a colorful romantic form. The general reader, accustomed to seeing in B.K. only a merry fellow and a joker, could not perceive him as a poet, and the poem went unnoticed. 

         По-другому воспринял читатель роман "Alatau", consisting of two books (1986, 1991). Both books, published with a circulation of 37,000 copies, sold out within three months. The novel "Alatau", which became the main life work of B.K, covers the events of the first half of the twentieth century, namely 1910-1950. Location of the foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau. The life of the protagonist of the novel, Abak Uisinbaev, passes before the reader, and with him, the life of a whole generation of Kazakhs, complex, contradictory, with centuries of established traditions breaking, accompanied by pain, the blood of many thousands of people. The novel captures the "tip" of the feudal-patriarchal life of the Kazakhs, reveals the causes of the situation that developed on the eve of the October Revolution, which resulted in numerous local riots and rebel movements. In historical sequence, the events of the civil war, the truly painful processes of establishing Soviet power, the coercive measures taken against the nomadic way of life, the excesses of dispossession and collective farming of the population are carried by in a row. Terrible pain, all-penetrating bitterness permeated the pages of the novel, describing the famine of 1932-1933. This is the very first statement on the terrible events of those years, made both in official and artistic terms. B.K. was the first to break the taboo imposed on the coverage of the hunger genocide.

         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Pictures of rampant Stalinist repressions, the pre-war situation, the hard life of the people in the rear, post-war devastation, new repressions are gradually unfolding. The narration of the novel is on behalf of the protagonist, so it is not surprising that there are many historical, ethnological, philosophical, moral and other digressions. The protagonist of the novel, A. Uisinbaev, driven by that time to the lowest level of the social ladder, tells about his life to a visiting young journalist. The time of the story is the beginning of the summer of 1953. Accordingly, the characterization of personalities, the assessment of events, the situation, and philosophical judgments are characterized by deep subjectivism on the one hand, and political tendentiousness on the other hand. These two moments of the hero's attitude to life, to himself, to those around him, not so much coincide as contradict each other. It is this inconsistency that makes the hero not pretentiously fictional, but deeply human. A.Uisinbaev sincerely believes in the communist future. Having gone through all the difficulties, prisons, exiles, having personally known all the “charms of the inquisitorial NKVD” firsthand, he also continues to believe in the Communist Party and in the Soviet government. The historicism of the work lies in the fact that the hero of A.Uisinbaev concentrated the collective image of that generation, unshakably believing in the rightness of their cause. That is their strength, and that is their misfortune.

         Выход на пенсию по состоянию здоровья (1987) became a stimulus for further creative activity. A series of historical essays were written, where the pages of history, Kazakh ethnophilosophy are reflected, images of historical figures are drawn; a series of ethnographic stories, where a thousand-year-old Kazakh mentality is vividly reflected; a number of journalistic articles devoted  to the formation and further development of Independent Kazakhstan; stories about the Great Patriotic War and a story about the Hero of the Soviet Union K. Zhamangaraev. He published a collection of recent satirical stories  "Akymaktyn miy" (1993), prepared for publication a collection of essays "Kym-қigash zhyldar" (published in 1998). The collection of scientific articles "Tүgel sozdin tubі bir" (1993) on linguistics is used as a textbook.

In 1993 B.K. published the book of his outstanding ancestor bek Kazybek Tauasaruli “Tup-tuqiannan ozime sheyin” (“From the origins to my days”), written in the 18th century. This book turned out to be a rare find for the forgotten, almost disappeared Kazakh history. Legends and fairy tales have become true, the images of great ancestors have taken on a real shape. The book contains a lot of information for ethnology, philosophy and culture. Thanks to this book, many historical events, their geographical location and specific dates were clarified. The publication of this book caused an unprecedented public outcry, the controversy around the book and its author (K. Tauasaruly) dragged on for a long 15 years and went out only after its 2nd edition in 2008.

B.K. twice elected as a deputy of the Supreme Sovereign of the Kazakh SSR (1983, 1990). Being an active member of the onomastic commission of Almaty (since 1991), he made a great contribution to the renaming of the streets of the city. He was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labour, Friendship of Peoples. Became a laureate of the Academy of Journalism Prize "Altyn Samuryk - 2002" (posthumously). In the name of B.K. a village in the Almaty region and a street in Almaty were named, there is an annual journalistic award.

B.K. himself considered his most outstanding creation "Five volumes": 1 v. - daughter Balnur (1955), composer; 2 volumes - son Algatbek (1956), Doctor of Economics; 3 volumes - daughter Shahinur (1959), associate professor at the conservatory; 4 v. - son Almatbek (1960) Doctor of Technical Sciences; 5 tons - son Dulatbek (1968), Doctor of Political Sciences.

Таттимбет “Сылкылдак” 1969 годҚыдырбекұлы Балғабек
00:00 / 02:46

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